You're a single man looking for a lady. You say that you're open and kind. You communicate. She agrees with you. You say something. You're shut down by one mistake. That's it. You're not given a second chance. You just don't know. Nothing works for you. Only the people with relationships know. Who knows? You went on a date with a lady. Everything was great until she asked money from you. It was tough for you to swallow. You told her, "Sorry I won't be able to." Then she ghosted you. You were talking to a lady from the Philippines through FaceBook Messenger for a year. You finally went on a date with her. You enjoyed the night. Then you came back home from the Philippines to the States. A friend told you to write a letter to her. You asked for her address. You mailed the letter. Then she ghosted you. You went on a date with your match through online dating. You asked and listened. You get to know more about her. Now she asked questions to you. You told her, "I'm open and kind. Ask me anything."
At the end of the date, she wanted to see you again. She enjoyed it. A few days later, she told you that it won't work out. You said something that offended her during the date. You had no idea. She was a great actress then. That was the dealbreaker. She unmatched you. You get another match through online dating. You guys were exchanging messages. You would ask her out on a date. You would be persistent. She would be busy. Or she would just ignore you. You would set up a date and time to meetup. She flaked on you. You asked for another date. She flaked again. Then she unmatched you. A few months later, you saw her online dating profile. You commented on one of her prompts. She replied. You asked her out for a date. Surprisingly, she didn't flake. You guys enjoyed the first date together. From there, you guys continued to talk and text. She texted you about what she's looking for. The one that bothered you the most was the "Princess treatment." You assumed that you'll have to keep giving her money. You never asked her about the "Princess treatment." Then she texted about her car tires. The worker from shop told her that they must be replaced. You asked her, "What's the actual problem in your tires?" She answered, "Yeah, they need to be replaced." You told her that you'll be her driver for now. From there, you should've stopped texting her. Instead, you kept going. You assumed that she wanted you to buy her tires. So you brought up a story to her about a lady asking money to you. (You're not a money giver.) She wanted to know why you brought this story up. You asked her, "Out of curiosity, do you need money from me for new tires?" She seemed upset. You weren't supporting her. You accused her. You felt guilty. You gave her more advice about her tires. You told her to take a picture of the tires, or that you would take a look at them in-person. You apologized to her. You told her that you thought you were being supportive. She apologized about your financial issues. She also replied that she just wants to be friends. You can look back at what you've done with women. Never say no to a lady when she asks money from you. Don't write a letter to her. Don't be too open on a first date. Don't assume a lady is asking money from you. You be you. Nothing works out. One mistake by you. You're shut down. Similar to cancel culture in this day and age. You can blame (or be harsh on) yourself. It's done already though. Now you know. You're not gonna blame them. You were a yes man from your first ever girlfriend. That was toxic. You wanted to be the best boyfriend. Everything was a yes to her. You were hurting yourself. You won't blame your ex. Your most recent ex-girlfriend cared about you (and still does). She didn't want your money. You were yourself. She never shut you down. She is for polygamy while you're for monogamy. That was the mutual breakup. You guys still remain friends. You need to hear this again. Dating is weird. You wanna have problems. Be in a relationship. You wanna have freedom. Be single. |
March 2023
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