Like blogging, hiking keeps my mind focus and fresh. (I talk about it in my "About" section.)
In hiking, I am able to completely function more. All of my five senses fully function on a hike. (Also, my 5 senses were mentioned in two of my old blog entries, "The Human Brain," and "A Letter To Her." TASTE - Any type of snack and drink that I bring on my hike. SMELL - Trees, plants, stinky dog or cow poop, fresh of outdoor air, and many other smells. I smell more plants as I breathe in more oxygen, due to photosynthesis. SEE - Living things around me. No tunnel vision. Also, stay and wander. Watch and observe living creatures. The art of curiosity. TOUCH - One step at a time, I touch nature. I challenge myself in hiking pathways that vary from its rockiness, roughness, flatness, and hilliness. Before us, nature was created. HEAR - Natural sound than hearing music through an electronic device. Birds chirping, bees buzzing, squirrels gnawing, and etc. I hear noises from far away. Once I walk closer, it becomes quiet. (Living creatures hear my footsteps.) I am fully engaged on a hike. Luckily, all of my senses are still functioning. I am not getting any younger. Go what with what you can sense on a hike. Start your journey. Instagram + Pamphlet = "Gramphlet"
A brilliant idea given to me from a good friend. (I only created its name. That is it. I give him credit.) I will paraphrase on what he told me, “Honestly, I do not read your long captions under your post. Do this instead. For each hike, take as many pictures and videos. Choose the best. Then, share up to 10 of them on one Instagram post. Also, add a video of yourself talking about your experience on the hike. (Almost like a conclusion paragraph.) Lastly, add a sketched map of your trail." So far, I have met 2 travelers, Janine and Nina. I went hiking with each of them.
(My goal is to hike with travelers, or anybody else. Anybody is welcome to go hiking with me.) Yes, I am documenting my hike life. Take a picture of hiking buddy saying, "Do a pose or something. Be you." Post it on my IG account. Then, write a paragraph description about hiking buddy. (Photo and description shown below.) One of my good friends met Janine and Nina on Couch Surfing. (I almost typed, "Crowd Surfing.") Then, he introduced them to me. Couch Surfing is a phone app or website, where you can meet travelers around the world. Also, you can stay at any free lodging spot from a local host. For instance, it goes with the Golden Rule saying, "Do unto others as they would do unto you." (Biblical rule in Matthew 7:12.) Once I start traveling, I can visit Janine from Germany, and Nina from Switzerland. They can show me around their hometown. Also, they can introduce me to their friends. (The connection expands.) Let's talk about Janine and Nina! They are different in their own way. Every time I hike, I always take pictures using my phone and DSLR camera.
So far, here is a collage of the pictures I have posted on my Instagram (in no particular order whatsoever). I only have started this IG account since July 30. Instagram: @Mikes_HikeLife As of now, I started consistently hiking once a week, since June 27. I will continue to do so. (FYI, I graduated from Environmental Studies with a concentration of Energy Management and Design. I have never been much of an outdoor type of person, until now. I have never camped just yet.) On June 27, my hike life started when my good friend asked me to go hiking with him at Skyline Wilderness Park in Napa, California. I have never heard of Skyline Wilderness Park before. Surprisingly, I have lived in the Bay Area for the last 21 years. (I am horrible.) My good friend found Skyline Wilderness Park on, which provides you almost every hiking trail in the Bay Area. (Thank you, Jane Huber.) I continue on hiking because... (Here is a list shown below.)
July 2018
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