What do you mean?
I can say whatever I want to an attractive lady. Obviously, it is up to the lady. (It is her choice.) I cannot force the issue. Let it be. How, so? Many examples shown below:
This is a toughest blog post to write about.
Why, so? My dad and I had a history. People see me as a nice, sweet guy. My close friends know I have a temper. (I have controlled my temper. Good news: It is better than ever before.) What do you mean by having a history with your dad? To this day, we have our disagreements. Before, we took it at an extreme level. How, so? We kept arguing. (Both hotheads always proving a point to each other.) You can never win an argument. (Now, I have learned that. Just let it be.) Remember the common saying, "Like father, like son." It is true. A list shown below is how I am similar to my father: As I merged into the freeway, I saw a moving truck. The truck was carrying a bundle of thin, long wood.
Guess how a bundle of thin, long wood was loaded onto truck. Picture it in your mind, before you see my drawing. My drawing of truck shown below: (It is not the greatest drawing ever. Ignore the flat rear tire. Yes, I used scratch paper. Go Green!) About a month ago, I did vlog about this. I just witnessed a "Precious Moment" at San Francisco International Airport on Friday, March 24, 2017.
Why was I here anyway? I just dropped off my parents because they will be flying to the Philippines. I walked with my parents until the security checkpoint. Then, I hugged them. (And I told them, "I love you.") After my parents and I parted ways, I saw a man and lady kissing. I witnessed a precious moment. (Like everybody else, I just stopped and stared at the young couple.) It was PDA aka Public Displays of Affection. |
March 2023
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