1. "What should I do?" A friend asked me on the phone. "Do you feel comfortable traveling with your friend to Jamaica?" I asked her. "Not really." "That is the answer to your question." "I like coming to you for advice." 2. "How do you feel about this lady?" I asked my friend. "She seems to be 'too much.' She is insecure. I have told her." He told me. "That is the answer to your question. You can say what you want. At the end of the day, it is up to her. It is understanding who people are and making adjustments." "It makes sense to talk it out." 3. "When can I start wearing a v-neck sweater?" My friend's cousin from high school asked me. "When I was in high school, I wore white skinny jeans. I matched it with my white shirt," I told him. "I was made fun of but it did not seem to bother me." He looked surprised. "Go with what you want," I said. "It's your choice. It's your life." I cannot control you. I ask you questions. I tell you stories. I do not (and will never) know everything. I am not perfect (and I will never be). It is impossible.
I started Facebook in 2008. (Facebook was only open to college students when it began in 2004. Since 2006, it has been open to the public.) "I heard a person judging, criticizing, and comparing others on Facebook. He said that she is fat and ugly on her pictures," I told my friend, Jon. "When Facebook began, people were always excited in sharing their pictures and videos. Those were the days. It has changed now," Jon told me. Before:
- It was the highlight reel of my life. I used to seek validation and attention to others. - I used to judge, criticize, and compare others. It made me feel better about myself. - I was focused on visiting Facebook. It was my number one priority in life. I was distracted by the number of likes and comments on my most recent post. It was a "waiting" game. Now: I have shared my stories and experiences to you (for the 165th time and counting.)
"Be careful in sharing your stories to others. They will learn something. Then, they might turn against you. You will regret it," A woman told me. "That is fine. I cannot predict the future. I want to share my stories and experiences, even if anybody turns against me. I do not expect anything in return." I answered. Fantasy is an instant gratification. It is my imagination. I can say whatever I desire in my mind. (I want it now.) Reality is everyday life. I experience "it" through my five senses: See, touch, smell, taste, and hear. Remember, it takes time to get whatever I desire in my mind. (Trust the process.) We live in an imperfect world. Examples of Fantasy versus Reality shown below.
1. Fantasy: When I was a kid, I enjoyed writing on my Christmas wish list every December. I wanted to receive everything, such as toys, video games, clothes, and etc. (What is "enough?") Reality: It was impossible to check off my Christmas wish list. 2. |
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