My good friend, Jon, brought this interesting idea about American Online Instant Messaging, and Direct Messaging. I decided to write about it. Thank you, Jon. (I write whatever is on the fly, or on the top of my head. My blog is created by my storytelling about myself, and others. Surrounding myself with people has made this blog exist. I decide to write on what I like to hear, and see.) When I was a kid, I grew up using AIM. It was launched in 1997. (I was 10 years old at that time.) My first screen name in AOL was NiCePiNoY85. (My birth year is 1987, not 1985. I was concerned about people coming after me. Now, I find attractive women on Instagram, and I DM them. Call that, irony.) Profile for: NiCePnOy85 Member Name: MiKe Sex: MaLe Marital Status: SiNgLe Hobbies: PlAyIn AnD wAtChIn BbAll, BeIn A nIcE pInOy, AnD tYpInG uPpEr & LoWeR cAsE lEtTeRs Computers: My EmAcHiNeS Occupation: StUdEnT Personal Quote: AiMiN aT yOu... We have the power to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, since the day we were born. It is what keeps us from living.
Being able to manage your breath in difficult situations is powerful. Whenever I am down, I slowly take a few, deep breaths. It reminds me that I cannot control the outcome. Keep moving forward |
March 2023
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